Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Good News Coming Down the Pike

Hello again and welcome to another edition of The Countertop Industry Insider, all of the latest news regarding countertops and countertop fabrication. I know a lot has been said of change recently, especially in the corporate world. We recognize that not all change is good, and we even ran an article on the website about how to distinguish good change from bad change. However, some of the changes we have been implementing over the course of the year have me especially excited because it means providing enhanced services to you and all of our loyal readers.

Earlier this month we completed a major update of the website. You will see some new enhancements in various places throughout the site, but the main upgrades have taken place in the backend, which has gone through one of our largest overhauls to date. The entire website now runs faster and smoother. The pages load more quickly, and we have more options that help us understand what is important to you and what is not. Although we were nervous about implementing the update, it turns out the choice to change worked in everyone's favor - despite causing a lot of extra work for us.

Earlier in the year, we made a decision to begin work on several other changes, including new features and resources. Last year we created lists of manufacturers and suppliers for solid surface as well as quartz surfacing/engineered stone, both of which are for your reference. And we have plans to further enhance these lists. In addition, we started work on a full directory of U.S. fabricators listed by state. Although our directory is only about 25 percent complete, when finished later this year it will be the most comprehensive listing available in one place. We will keep you updated on our progress and how you will be able to include your fabrication business.

Finally, among our biggest news is the opening of our exclusive Countertop Survey, which we plan on using to gather statistics and trends concerning the countertop industry, how we are doing serving the industry and how we can improve in order to provide you the best and most relevant information available.

As of today, we have more than 200 respondents, but we are looking for many more. The short survey takes only a few minutes to complete and will run through April 15. All of the answers you provide are completely anonymous and will never be connected to you or your company, and when finished, you will be able to enter our drawing to win one of two gift cards from Best Buy.

Each month, I ask that you email me or comment on the website with your questions, concerns or ideas, but this month, if you can spare a few minutes, I'd simply like to ask that you fill out our survey, which includes space for you to comment and provide ideas. You can go straight to the survey simply by clicking here.

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from all of you before the survey deadline.


Brian Jones, Editor/Content Manager 

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