Therefore, we are happy to announce that the deadline to take the countertop survey has been extended for another month. You now have until May 15 to participate in the survey and provide your insight to not only help us understand our audience but also what you need to help grow your business to make it the best it can be. All you have to do is click this link to go directly to the survey. It will only take a few minutes of your time, and at the end, you can register to win one of two $250 gift cards to Best Buy.
We will not extend the survey deadline again, and once the deadline comes, we will cease to bother you about helping us to gather important information for the betterment of our industry. We wouldn’t be so persistent if we didn’t feel that it will make the results even more worthwhile for everyone.
Our countertop industry survey has already grown beyond what we had anticipated, but we hope to make it even bigger by simply giving it another month to allow everyone a chance to get on board. You can be assured that the survey can be taken completely anonymously and that all of the information you provide will not be associated with you or your company directly, and only generalities without identifying specific sources will be shared.
When the survey has reached its final deadline on May 15, we may share some of the aggregated statistics that we believe will benefit the countertop fabrication industry as a whole, but no single respondent will be able to be identified. We are doing this because we want you to be as open and honest as possible with your answers, which will help us all move into a prosperous future.
We’ve already learned quite a bit about what you would like to see in the coming months, and we are gearing up to bring you some exciting new offerings and features. So regardless of what material(s) you work with or in what particular capacity you are associated with the countertop industry, we continue to urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to be heard and help shape things to come.
Do it for yourselves; do it for your industry; do it for us; or do it for the chance to win one of the $250 gift cards, but whatever your reason, you will be helping in a worthy cause for the cost of only a few minutes of your time.
Do it for yourselves; do it for your industry; do it for us; or do it for the chance to win one of the $250 gift cards, but whatever your reason, you will be helping in a worthy cause for the cost of only a few minutes of your time.
Once again, thank you all for your support. If you haven’t already done so, simply click here to take the survey now.
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